The Iceman Cometh!

The main plot of the film isn`t the mystery – it`s as we`ve already mentioned above. Iceman wakes up in modern times. 

What`s harder to pin down is the tone of the movie. From a synopsis alone, one might expect a raucous, knockabout comedy with lashings of ludicrously awesome action courtesy of Yen`s martial arts chops. The trailer, however, is a decidely earnest one, as we get glimpses of Yen freezing (ha ha, sorry) in the path of a two-tonne truck, putting on modern clothes and flying onto lamp-posts, melting (sorry again, but the trailer went there too!) with affection for a beautiful girl, riding a horse on a highway…

It`s all a bit muddled, and almost painfully grave. Here`s hoping we get a better sense soon of just what will be coming our way in 2014, when the new Ice Age is upon us.

ICEMAN 3D opens in 2014.