Singapore`s Ilo Ilo receives 15-min standing ovation at Cannes

The Director`s Fortnight premiere was not without technical problems and the film stopped dramatically three times, much to the anxiety of director Chen. He said, “When the film stopped, it was in the middle of the birthday scene with the characters singing `Happy Birthday`. When the film stopped midway, the audience continued to sing `Happy Birthday` and it showed how invested they were in the film. No one walked out. We had a standing ovation at the end. I was so moved that both the audience and actors teared up because it showed me they understood the film.”

“I`m very happy for them, especially for someone like Chen Tianwen who has been a Singapore TV veteran for so long!”, expressed Wahyuni A. Hadi, the film`s producer.

Set in Singapore in the 1990s, llo llo chronicles the relationship between a young boy and his maid from Iloilo, a province in the Philippines. The film will mark Chen`s third showing in Cannes, and his first for a feature film, with the latter distinction making him eligible for the CamÃ