The Pirates! Band of Misfits – Blu-ray review

The film follows a pirate captain (Hugh Grant) and his motley band of misfits; things have been in the doldrums of late, with nary a bent copper to their name. Of course, cartoon logic dictates that the scurvy underdogs thus participate in the Pirate Awards, the privateer`s equivalent of the Oscars. Irreverent, breezy humour ensues, and the crew encounters a variety of oddballs ranging from Charles Darwin (David Tennant) to a rather bloodthirsty Queen Victoria (Imelda Staunton).

Basically delivering a more juvenile equivalent of Monthy Python-esque absurdism, Pirates! Band of Misfits is a pretty fun movie that speeds through its 90-odd minutes with its sails trimmed. The gags range from the cliche to the thoroughly enjoyable, with a placard holding monkey being of particular note.

The film is buoyed by its impeccable voice casting, with particular mention going to Imelda Staunton who menaces as the pirate-hating Queen Victoria and Hugh Grant, the ineffectual pirate captain who`s a tad too affable for this line of work. The Wallace and Gromit style animation is likewise top-notch, but has a certain clayish quality that may not be to everyone`s taste.

It may not be everyone`s cup of pennyroyal tea, but Pirates! Band of Misfits is undoubtedly an effectively made animation action that delivers some rollicking good fun for both the young `uns and their caretakers.

Extras: A miniature cache of behind the scenes moments, director commentary, and a dress-up game. Not the most spectacular hoard.

Film: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Extras: 3 out of 5 stars