#23 (Dec 2011)

There are two sides to everything, and it’s no different at the movies.

While we admit that we are tempted by the allure of the dark side at times, we also like the light and cheery side of things. In fact, we like all genres, where movies are concerned.

In various degrees of grey, they sometimes do complement each other nicely and make for nice storytelling. Look at our Top 10 movie couplings for example – who says the belle can’t have a happy-ever-after with the beast? Okay, that’s a bit extreme but I’m sure you get our drift. But don’t you think it’ll be totally boring to date your own reflections? Turn to page 28 to check out our other picks.

Dark can mean a lot of things too in the movie world – dark comedy; dark thriller; to the dark dark stuff that nightmares are made of. Tim Burton is perhaps one of our favourite directors when it comes to making his movies dark and alluring; don’t you just love The Nightmare Before Christmas?

Director David Fincher’s version of the critically acclaimed dark Swedish thriller The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo looks set to continue that tradition. Why else would we want to put the film’s leads on our cover, huh? You may like to know we’ve got the man of the hour, Daniel Craig – who’s currently filming his third James Bond outing – to tell us more about his darkest role yet, on page 46.

While on the serious side of the dark, we decided to check in on the Moscow set of Chris Gorak’s The Darkest Hour, where sinister looking aliens – okay we are exaggerating, the aliens are invisible (like Predator?), but they can turn you into dust on contact – are threatening the human race, on page 58.

Then there’s our picks on the downright sick and disturbing films you should try making your girlfriend watch just so you can see her squirm and make those weird ‘ewww’ noises; fun, eh? Turn to page 56.

Okay, we are getting there. We know the end of the world, erm, 2011 is coming and we should be all nice and sweet with festive cheer. And we do have loads in store for you boys and girls out there, ho ho ho…

The Muppets are coming, yeah! Seriously, we love the Muppets, and we just couldn’t get that Mah-na Mah-na tune out of our head. Go watch it and you’ll know what we’re talking about. Just so you know, I find it to be a perfect greeting or conversation opener, or even a phrase to irritate close ones with. For the younger set who know nuts about these cute lil’ things, turn to page 70.

Of course, no year end is complete without a celebratory closing, and perhaps the closest thing to seeing so many stars at one go is at the rehab clinic… Or at Gary Marshall’s signature star-studded ensemble films like this month’s New Year’s Eve that’s taking place in the city of dreams, New York, awww… More on page 62.

Oh there’s the other Christmas staple besides turkey, that’s the Chipmunks. Well, for your pure enjoyment, we risk some helium overdose talking to the hyperactive Alvin and co. and realise they too have big plans for the new year. Page 44.

So what are your big plans for the New Year? Whatever it is, we believe it’s the journey to achievinig them that’s the fun bit. So enjoy, my friends, and we wish you the pink of health in the coming year!

See ya at the movies, and the after parties too.


Royston Loh


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