Parental Guidance – Review

Okay, hyperbole aside, Parental Guidance isn`t exactly the Mayan Apocalypse. It`s an generic, bland number that relies on Christmas goodwill to make up for its lack of laughs. Artie (Billy Crystal) is a baseball announcer who gets fired from his job, and ends up having to babysit the grandkids of his estranged daughter (Marisa Tomei), alongside his snarky wife (Bette Middler). 

Most of the humor of Parental Guidance is supposed to come from the disjunct between old-school and new parenting methods. Apparently, `spare the rod, spoil the child` is out, and positive affirmation is in. Unfortunately, most of the humor in these moments end up degenerating into poop and vomit jokes; there are a few moments where Crystal get to show off his trademark brand of smart-aleck delivery, but it`s mostly buried beneath a mountain of bodily humour.

Of course, there`s the obligatory character revelations in the latter half of the movie (Billy Crystal plays a pretty absent dad), and while it`s a relief from all the literally execrable jokes, there`s never really an emotional payoff to the dramatic elements of Parental Guidance. The kids learn to play, express themselves and become generally better children under Artie`s old-school guidance, but it`s a long, somewhat draggy trip.

Parental Guidance is as palatable to adult audiences as baby food: it`s not inedible, just not something that non-parents would consume. That being said, it`s an inoffensive family comedy that could be enjoyable for the right crowd.

Summary: Solid Crystal, but even that`s not enough to sell this family flick.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Raphael Lim